Home > Games > OESE
Released: June 14, 2016
OESE - The space survival game about decisions and consequences.
More like Oregon Trail than FTL: Faster Than Light, you have to balance your shields, power, and faction alliances. It seems like many encounters have a preferred way of dealing with them, so a decent amount of this game is just trial and error, seeing what happens if you use Offense/Passive/Contact on a specific encounter.

As you go through these encounters your ship levels up based on how your crew is assigned. Still not sure what these levels actually do, but I've only played for a short time so far.

Please note: as of Jan 2, 2018 the fullscreen mode is still broken on Windows 10, you get a black screen. This can be fixed by setting the game exe to Windows 7 compatibility mode, but it's a shame you have to do that.
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