I really wanted to like this game; it has an interesting setting and not-bad graphics, and the voice acting is decent. But the constant barrage of interrupting cutscenes, cliched characterizations, unreliable controls, and trite gameplay killed it.
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by dsimon
Diablo II clone that is more grindy than fun. Endless repetitive enemies, slow progress, mountains of useless loot, and and terrible inventory system conspire to bore the player to tears. Setting is nice, but not enough to save this mess of a game.
Third-person shooter MMO with odd aiming and repetitive missions. The teams are often completely unbalanced and the mission goals sometimes are as well. Turtling many times wins the match.
Click here to view 4 more recent reviews by Unfair
A really interesting world and plot, hampered by terrible hand to hand combat sequences and barely adequate shooting. I wanted to love this game, but the actual act of playing was painfully awful.
This slick looking puzzle game is simple, but enjoyable. As the game progresses you unlock six special abilities and more complex puzzles to go with them. Aside from the simple 'normal' puzzles, there are also 'hard' and 'bonus' levels.
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by Unfair
A wonderfully stylish world and charming story wrapped up in some archaic point-and-click mechanics. Had this game kept up with its genre it would be perfect, as it is though its fossil-like design renders it only "okay".
A game for people who want to pretend to be hackers. Unfortunately this is only slightly more authentic than Hollywood movie representations of hacking.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
An Indiana Jones-inspired point and click adventure game that drags the genre forward. Innovative systems eliminate the standard "point and pray" mechanic without feeling cheap. Awesome voice acting and plot.
Slightly dated graphics, but quite fun. A successful combination of and Team Fortress 2, with a lot of thoughtful features. There are some bugs and oddities, but overall a free-to-play game that feels complete without paying for upgrades.
A fun FPS MMO that's free to play. Several game modes, and you work to unlock stats, weapons, and more. There are quests you can go on, and you can do them coop or solo. It's a fun game and it's worth a download.
Fun, humorous, and frantic. Almost too much so; there are so many explosions and elemental effects everywhere that it's easy to get lost. Made up for by the responsiveness of the controls and the variety of spells. Best played with friends.
The casting system is reasonably intuitive, and the gameplay itself is as fun as Torchlight, though the heavy corridor feel of the levels detracts a bit. There is a smattering of story and humor throughout, but I wouldn't call it story-driven.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
Shitty game full of shitty players. Everyone who plays this game sucks ass at it and blames their loss on someone else. Get carried scrubs.
This feels like a console game - smoothed movement, unchangable (close up) third person perspective. The combat is also poor and frustrating - with guns that seem like they were meant to be used with auto-aim. Melee combat is completely useless.
Couple of glitches, cheap good fun. Think asteroids meets space invaders meets your music meets cocaine and that's this. A lot of fun, online coop and vs in Ultra DLC, and it will make your eyes bleed!
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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